On a roll!

23 02 2010

This one is more of a photo dump… Finally sat down and went through a bunch of pictures and found some that missed the cut the 1st time… Truthfully i don’t know how they missed the cut… aannnyways… here they are… some of my favs in here..

A little Dimsum meal me and my buddy had at ‘Zin‘ a new Chinese spot in Yorkville…. Pretty Legit and fairly priced

Random shot of my hallway in my apartment building... nothing more to say here

Playing around with Color isolation at the Raptors game... pretty cool.. I must say

Delicious Craft Burger for Sunday Lunch one weekend.... this is the Craft Blue with Fries... Amazing!

A delicious home cooked Lamb Shank.... 3 hours of simmering goodness

Thats pretty much it… should have some cool Snowboarding pics up in the days to come… Anyways… if you wanna see more… you can always check out my Photostream over at Flickr! Otherwise… i guess you’ll have to wait for my next post…

Later Dayz


Lazyness Ensues

23 02 2010

So ya! i’ve been lazy lately.. what of it?! haha.. heres an update on my life…

So I went out for Winterlicious with my cousins to Edward Lavesque's Kitchen out in Lesliville...

Another shot of the dining room

This was their winterlicious Menu... I had the Baked Feta Salad/Pork Chop/Banana dessert

Baked feta, pomegranate, toasted walnut, fennel and anise, fig syrup

Porc Chop (Sage, Garlic, Dijon Mustarde) sauteed apple, sweet onions and dried fruit, sweet and sour roasted root vegetable, cider reduction

yah! thats how delicious it was!

Caramelized Banana Mousse, chocolate sauce, banana chips... which was pretty much a slob of banana flavored grossness... kinda ruined my meal not gonna lie...

And the best way to rescue a meal is with a delicious espresso

Thats bout it for this one… nothing really exciting going on in life… got my camera on me all the time.. just not inspired to shoot anything these days… hopefully we get outta this funk and there is actually something interesting on here soon…

Find more of my pictures from both my little and my big camera in my Flickr photostream!

Thats all for now!

Later Days!


February 2nd 2010 – Re-brand V.2.0

3 02 2010

So another decade has begun and still i have nothing to write about. So I think a rebranding is in the work… to fill the gaps between my actual writings I am going to try and do a photo journal of my life and post it here to my wordpress blog… minimizing words and maximizing pictures! Since I just bought a new little Canon SD940, and I now carry it with me 24/7 I thought why not share my world through my eyes… to whoever cares… So… here goes… lets see how long this lasts!

We start this picture journey with Feb 2rd 2010!

Lunch @ Humber Room @ Humber College North campus with a good friend! everyone, meet TINA!

Making my pasta from scratch right in front of me

The Flower on our table...

California Rolls and Hokai Maki made by the white man... not bad actually.. rice was a little hard tho

My Fettucini (yes, the pasta they were making 2 pics up) with veggies and some orange colored sauce... yeeeaaahhh.. forgot everything about the dish except for fettucini... It WAS good tho!

This is what she had... Stuffed Squid with some sort of salmon insert and black rice... haha

After lunch I had an intro to red wine course...

A George Duboeuf Beaujolais... apparently King George Duboeuf was the nut Beaujolais wine maker and then he started putting other varieties of grape in there that he wasn't supposed to and got in big trouble

Got bored in class and started playing around with my macro feature

Back to the delicious glasses of red wine...

and then i discovered Digital Macro.... oh my... soo close! these are my Hugo Boss Pants

Back at home now.. my buddy wakes up from an epic nap...

And thats it for Feb 2nd 2010! stay tuned…. more after the break!
